How to do One Leg Squat with dumbbell (Best Method)

vinay gorasia
4 min readJan 18, 2021


Hello! Friend’s welcome to our post. In this post, we are going to tell you how to do one leg squat with a dumbbell from beginner to advance. In this post, we have provided step by step guidelines to do this exercise easily.

Nowadays, people are only focusing on their upper body and neglecting their lower body workout. People are forgetting that the lower body is a base or pillar of our body like a house can’t stand without a base or pillar our body also can’t stand without our legs.

So, a leg workout is important for our body to stay fit. So here we will answer your question and provide complete information on how to do a single leg squat with a dumbbell.



Before starting to do this exercise, make sure to do a warm-up because warm-up provides heat to our body & our body is capable of doing exercise more easily.

Now the question arises to your mind that what exercise should be done to warm-up your body. Don’t worry about warm-up, for warm-up you can do normal exercises like running, skipping, jumping and many more.


Now you have to start doing normal squat to make your legs strong and ready for one leg squat. If you are a beginner & directly start to do single-leg squat, then it will cause injuries to your leg if your leg is not so much strong.

So according to my advice, if you are a beginner, then start doing normal squats for two-three weeks to make your legs strong. After doing normal squats for two-three weeks, now your legs are capable of doing this exercise.


Now by taking the support of the wall, trying to do this exercise. As you are a beginner, you are not able to balance your body within one leg. This is the reason why I am telling you to take the support of the wall.

Try this method for two weeks. By doing this method, I am sure you will be capable of doing this exercise without support.

I also try this method & now I am capable of doing single-leg squats easily.



After completing one leg squat without support for two-three weeks, then only use dumbbells.

Now it is hard to do this exercise using dumbbells because it requires more energy and power.

If you feel your leg is strong enough. Only then try to do this exercise with a dumbbell.

Now take a dumbbell of 5 kg in your hand and make sure your dumbbell should be in front of your chest and your hands should be straight.

Now slowly go down and try to balance your body & after going down, try to get up slowly. In the beginning, try to do only 2 or 3 squats and then increase it after two-three weeks for better results.

So this is the perfect method of doing single-leg squats for beginners. I hope you will follow this method and get a good result.

Never give up if you are not able to do this exercise. Keep trying continuously & one day, you will be capable to do this exercise easily.


The main aim of doing squats is to make your legs strong and fit. Doing this exercise will strengthen your leg muscles like the hamstring, calves, gluteus, and hips. It is the best exercise for runners to increase their leg power.

It does not require any equipment or any perfect place. You can do this exercise anywhere you want to do.

If you do this exercise daily at your young age, then it will be going to help you at your old age. As you know in old age, our many body parts become weak & leg is one of the main problems. So keep doing this exercise daily to stay fit and healthy.


If you get injured, talk to your doctor or physical therapist & if you feel pain while doing this exercise, then skip this exercise.

If your knee is weak, then never try to do this exercise. This exercise requires more strength and power & if your knee is not so strong, you may get injured.

Try to do this exercise perfectly for better results.


Yes, the one-legged squat is better than a regular squat because it requires more power and strength than a normal squat. In this exercise whole body weighs in on one leg, so leg muscles get more stress & muscles start growing faster. This exercise also increases the balancing power of the body.

So, due to this reason, the single-leg squat is more beneficial than a regular squat.

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So, this is the information on one leg squat, all we need to update you. We hope you get a clear understanding of everything in this article. If you want to ask anything, please feel free to Contact Us by commenting down below.

Originally published at on January 18, 2021.



vinay gorasia

My name is vinay patel. Love to write, Love blogging, Love Fitness